There seems to be a sudden drop in hits to this site now. I am not sure..
56. Better Collection Classes The Java Collections Frameworks is simply better than .NET. .NET's System.Collections namespace doesn't even have a Set and its corresponding operators union, interesection and difference. Makes one wonder if the person who designed this has a degree in Computer Science. Also there are also more extensions available for the Java Collections Framework. Examples are Jakarta Collections, JGL, Trove and PCJ , many more can be found at
Well I am not an experts on collections. I have used some of those in my code, but have not compared those with what is avbl in Java.
57. More High Performance Database Drivers There are more high performance database drivers that support the JDBC standard as compared to ADO.NET. In fact ADO.NET doesn't have high performance drivers for DB2/Informix or Sybase, these vendors alone corner nearly half of the database market.
Well AFAIK, .NET has managed providers for SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase and even for MySQL. If managed drivers are not avbl, then OLEDB drivers are avbl for almost all major databases. Please note that these drivers are free. To turn the question back, Java did not have a full fledged SQL Server driver till recently.(MS released the driver a few months back). And if you want a full performing driver then you buy it from a third party!!!
58. More Literature There are more books published for Java than C# or other .NET languages. Furthermore, there are more books that cover advanced topics, most .NET languages books tend to be beginner books. There are many seminal books that are important to read by any learned developer, examples are "Concurrent Programming", "Refactoring", "Pattern Languages of Program Design" and "Server Component Patterns", "Agile Software Development", "Test Driven Development" and "Core J2EE Patterns", these all require an understanding of Java.
Well most of this is still concept oriented and applies to all languages. And no. pb books published is no representation of the technology. It just represent higher profits or more market potential etc.
59. Free Tools for Checking Coding Standards There are many free and open source tools that check coding conventions in Java. Examples are Checkstyle, PMD , JCSC and JLint.
Ever heard of something called FxCop??
60. Tools to Support Design By Contract Design By Contract is a mechanism introduced by the Eiffel language to support more robust software development. There are several free tools in the Java world that support this methodology. Examples are: iContract, JMSAssert, jContractor and Jass.
Well again a concept here. I also remember seeing an MSDN article on how to implement DBC in .NET using custom attributes.
On literature avaiable :
The publication of literature is totally dependent on the complexity in enterprise system. The more complicated one needs more books to be published on various topics. Notice that there very few books avaiable for a consolidated information of j2ee development.
Posted by: sudhakar | August 25, 2003 at 08:46 AM