There has been a lot of people coming in after Scoble mentioned this blog and there has been a lot of good comments. I thought the following are real good points that I missed...
From Tim Marman:
To the first point, don't forget about
Granted, it's a part of Microsoft, but they are dedicated to R&D and have already started contributing things to .NET (I'm told generics came out of here).
From Just Me:
Since (8) mentions JBuilder personal, why does it forget to mention C# Builder personal (free for non-commercial use)
From Jim Sfekas:
At my company, we do almost all of our development in C#, with a little bit in C++ for legacy code and for optimization. We realized that it would be hard to find too many experienced C# programmers (for obvious reasons), so all of our job listings list Java experience as a desired skill. We've had a very easy time converting Java people over to C#.
And another one from Tim Marman on
Job Ratios
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