Kerala, one of the neighboring states has just decided that it would move completely to Linux and Free software at all of its schools, according to a article in FT.
It is being hailed as a big win for the FOS movement and a blow to Microsoft. I can see advantages to the following groups:
1. Government - Saves a lot of cost, licensing software for the schools. I know that Microsoft offers huge discounts under its academic programs, but still there would be some money involved, which should logically go away. I don't know if all machines will switch to Linux, but I suspect there would be pirated copies of Windows now running, so that people can use Office..:)
2. The Hardware Vendors - It clearly states in the article that HW vendors get a better margin, selling Linux based hardware, as they do not have licensing cost.
Linux PC dealers are upbeat. “Offers of pre-loaded Linux operating system could fetch good hardware sales margins,” says PK Harikrishnan, president, Kerala Computer Manufacturers’ and Dealers’ Association. There are other reasons as well. A sting operation by Microsoft in October 2005 had not endeared the proprietary software to PC and peripherals dealers
But what about the students?? Currently if you see the software development industry a majority of the new development is evenly split between .NET and Java. Most of the Java development is usually done on Windows, though the target OS may be something else. So the students in Kerala schools are deprived of working on a platform that is used in more than 80% of the desktops.
At the student level, it is imperative to work with all major platforms so as to understand them and be more employable when you move out of college. They should learn Windows, Linux and even one of the major UNIX platforms if available, to get to understand how software work. It is not the time to decide on taking a stand on which is the best platform to work on, rather to understand every platform.
This decision of the Kerala government ignores the students' need of exposure to multiple platforms completely.
Pirated Windows running so that they can use Offfice... I think it will be a matter of time before Office is replaced in open (star) office.
I am a fan of MS and my bread and butter is because of MS.. But, when you want to set up something in your home - all legal software, the cost of OS+Office equals 3/4th cost of my machine. So, I switched gears.
We wernt talking anything if Linux was not thought in schools... why are we now talking about this when schools are not teaching windows.
Posted by: Anonymous | August 30, 2006 at 12:12 AM
I have nothing against teaching Linux at schools, I am just against teaching only 1 platform in school and also ignoring one of the most widely used platform too. I would actually recommed that schools and colleges teach atleast two platforms so that students are able to understand a wider set of technologies.
Posted by: Anand | August 30, 2006 at 09:27 AM
You should understand that there are a lost of cost involved in stupid licensing schemes people cook up to make money.Well FOS is a good option and think of it as a good oppurtunity for the student in schools to learn linux so that in the future more open source is promoted.Windows well there can be one pc or something with it (well what happen to the mac ?).Well in schools kids don't acutally learn to architect a multi-tier cross platform transactional web service so why the big fuzz.Well when they get into techincal colleges may be they will understand more
Posted by: Troll69 | September 06, 2006 at 02:46 PM
it is myopia on part of kerala to take this step.
Posted by: abhishek | September 08, 2006 at 10:28 AM
One should n't restrict one's knowledge or make forcefully learn only particular thing!
Knowledge need not have any restrictions that is the point here.
Posted by: Hima | September 26, 2006 at 07:34 AM